Boiler Biz Past Articles

Boiler Biz Past Articles

If you are interested in reading one of our past articles, please contact us to request it.

Boiler Biz is provided as a courtesy to HRSG owners and O&M staff only; therefore, no requests from consultants, suppliers or OEMs, please.
Access2001 SummerSpecifications for Access
Access2002 WinterHRSG Inspection Access: Design It Right Upfront, Not In Service
Access2004 WinterProducts for Retrofit – Baffle Access Panels
Access Doors2002 SummerAccess Doors – Penetration Seals
Access Doors2004 WinterProducts for Retrofit – Casing Access Doors
Access Doors2006 SpringHRSG Improvement Products
Air-Cooled Condenser2018 Issue 1Logistical Planning for ACC Internal Inspection
Analysis2021 Issue 2Prioritization of HRSG Advanced Inspection Tasks Based on Findings
Analysis2020 Issue 1Combined Analytical Power Pinpoints Problems and Provides Peace of Mind
Attemperation See “Desuperheaters”
Auxiliary Boiler2011 Issue 1Auxiliary Boilers – Do You Treat Them Like A Spare Tire?
Auxiliary Boiler2009 WinterBack-Up Boiler Designed to be READY
Awards2018 Issue 2HRST Founder Robert Krowech, Honored at CCUG 2018
Back Pressure2007 SpringTurbine Exhaust Back Pressure
Back Pressure2015 Issue 2Exhaust Flow Distribution Device Design Using CFD/FEA
Borescope2010 SpringBorescope Option – A good Check on your Boilers Health
Borescope2012 Issue 1Use Borescope and UT Testing to Find FAC Damage
Borescope2014 Issue 1Borescope Inspection of Entire Tube Length
Burners1999 WinterPublications by HRST Personnel – Uninterrupted Steam Production
Burners2000 SpringEconomic Advantage of Supplementary Firing
Burners2002 WinterAdd a Duct Burner?
Burners2015 Issue 2Exhaust Flow Distribution Device Design Using CFD/FEA
Burners2015 Issue 2Errors in Fuel Flow Measurement Cause Errors in Profitability Projections
Burners2017 Issue 1Importance of Duct Burner Inspection, Repair, and Reinforcement
Burners2018 Issue 2Importance of Firing Duct Flame Monitoring
Burners2020 Issue 1Economizer Retrofit & Full Load Duct Firing could Boost Relaibility & Performance
Burners2020 Issue 2HRST Coolvision™ Viewport Allows Better Duct Burner Flame Viewing
Bypass2002 WinterGas Bypass vs. Tube Blockage
Carryover2000 FallLevel Control and Carryover
Carryover2018 Issue 2Important Information about Chemistry Action Hours to Maintain your Turbine Warranty
Casing2003 SummerHRSG Infrared Thermal Imaging
Casing2012 Issue 2Our HRSG Doctors Perform Cost-Effective Skin Transplants
Casing2016 Issue 1Aging HRSG Roof Casing and Pipe Seals
Casing2018 Issue 1Online HRSG Inspections: Use online results to enhance offline outage planning
Casing2019 Issue 1Diffuser Duct Liner Failures & Upgrade Study
Casing Penetrations2000 FallCasing Penetration Seals Update
Casing Penetrations2000 SpringCasing Penetrations
Casing Penetrations2001 SummerMystery Leak
Casing Penetrations2001 WinterPiping Penetration Seals
Casing Penetrations2002 WinterPenetration Seals, The Next Generation – Closely Spaced
Casing Penetrations2004 WinterProducts for Retrofit – Piping Penetration Seals
Casing Penetrations2007 SpringDew Point Corrosion in Drain Penetrations
Chemistry2016 Issue 2Increase in Dirty Tubes and Dire Consequences: Check HP Evaporator Internal Surfaces
Chemistry2018 Issue 2Important Information about Chemistry Action Hours to Maintain your Turbine Warranty
Chemistry2020 Issue 2Minimizing Tube Deposits By Optimizing Cycle Chemistry
Circulation2000 SpringSweatin’ About Circulation
Circulation2004 SummerFlow Accelerated Corrosion – What should you tell your boss?
Cleaning2007 SpringTurbine Exhaust Back Pressure
Cleaning2011 Issue 1Preparing for HRSG Gas Side Cleaning
Cleaning2002 WinterDry Ice Blasting
Cleaning2004 WinterOffline Corrosion
Codes2016 Issue 1Understanding NBIC and ASME – The Relationship Matters
Commissioning2002 WinterWhen is New Boiler / HRSG Plant Design Engineering Complete
Condensation2003 SummerPurge Timer Got You Watchin’ The Clock?
Condensation2003 SummerTurbine Exhaust Condensation: Corrosion Vs. Performance
Condensation2006 FallCondensate Drains
Controls2001 SummerMisbehavin’ Ammonia Skid
Controls2002 WinterAnticipation – Controlling Interaction of Components
Controls2004 WinterIP Drum Level Control
Controls2015 Issue 2Smart Attemperator Control Alarms
Corrosion2000 FallWater Chemistry and Corrosion Audit
Corrosion2000 SpringDew Point and Conventional Wisdom
Corrosion2001 SummerAll NDT is Not Equal
Corrosion2001 SummerMystery Leak
Corrosion2001 WinterStack Corrosion
Corrosion2002 WinterFAC – It Is Still With Us
Corrosion2003 SummerTurbine Exhaust Condensation: Corrosion Vs. Performance
Corrosion2004 WinterOffline Corrosion
Corrosion2005 SpringBoiler Inspection Tip – Check Floor Casing Pipe Penetrations for Pipe Corrosion
Corrosion2007 SpringDew Point Corrosion in Drain Penetrations
Corrosion2014 Issue 1HRSG Gas Side Corrosion- beware the combination of sulfur and humidity!
Corrosion2017 Issue 2Stack Internal Corrosion
Corrosion2018 Issue 1Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI)
Corrosion2021 Issue 2Inspector Focus Tip: Drainpipe Corrosion Under Insulation
Cycling1999 WinterCycling 101, Part 1, The Cycling Service Study
Cycling1999 WinterPublications by HRST Personnel – Avoid Damage from Cycling Service
Cycling2000 FallRecirculation to Mitigate the Effect of Cycling
Cycling2001 WinterSo You’re Gonna Cycle that HRSG
Cycling2002 WinterEconomizer Quenching
Cycling2009 WinterHRSG Engineering for Repower
Cycling2009 WinterHRSG Cycling – Questions to Consider
Cycling2010 SpringHRSG Cycling Studies – Recent Findings and Analysis Approach
Cycling2011 Issue 1Simple Cycle Boost with Bayton Cycle?
Cycling2013 Issue 1HP Evaporator Cycling Stress – Yes it Happens!
Cycling2014 Issue 1HRSG Rapid Cooling for Maintenance
Cycling2015 Issue 2Smart Attemperator Control Alarms
Cycling2015 Issue 2Return Bend Economizers and Long-Term Support
Cycling2021 Issue 1Decreasing Startup Time In Cycling HRSGs
Covered Piping Systems2018 Issue 1Creep and the Affect on Superheaters and Reheaters
Covered Piping Systems2016 Issue 2What is the Status of your Covered Piping System Program?
Covered Piping Systems2018 Issue 1Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI)
Covered Piping Systems2019 Issue 2Unloaded Hangers Deserve Investigation – 3 Case Studies
Covered Piping Systems2021 Issue 1Identifying HRSG & CPS Creep Locations and Complying to ASME B31.1 Requirements
Covered Piping Systems2021 Issue 2Covered Piping Systems Inspection Reveals Hidden Problems
Desuperheating2009 SummerDesuperheater Problem Diagnostics
Desuperheating2009 Winter“Straight-Shot” Desuperheating Steam Pipes
Desuperheating2011 Issue 1HRST Quenchmaster Solves Overspray of Desuperheaters
Desuperheating2000 FallOver Performing Superheater = Underperforming HRSG & Loss of $$$
Desuperheating2004 WinterDesuperheating to Disaster?
Desuperheating2014 Issue 1Attemperator Liner Inspection: be diligent!
Desuperheating2015 Issue 2Smart Attemperator Control Alarms
Desuperheating2019 Issue 2Attemperator Bypass Piping – Slope Down to a Drain for a Trend Up in Reliability
Desuperheating2020 Issue 2Attemperator Pipe Spool and Internal Liner Upgrade Considerations
Drain System2007 SpringDew Point Corrosion in Drain Penetrations
Drain System2008 SummerDrain Strain – Is IT About To Cause You Pain?
Drain System2000 SpringDrain Boilers Under Pressure
Drain System2004 SummerDraining- A No Brainer?
Drain System2006 FallCondensate Drains
Drain System2014 Issue 1Superheater or Reheater Failures got you feeling drained?
Drain System2016 Issue 2Superheat and Reheat Condensate Detection and Drainage Control
Drain System2018 Issue 1Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI)
Drain System2019 Issue 2Attemperator Bypass Piping – Slope Down to a Drain for a Trend Up in Reliability
Drain System2022 Issue 2HRSG Drain Pipe Cracking Failure Analysis Explains Problem & Guides Solution
Drones2017 Issue 1What’s that Overhead?
Drones2019 Issue 2Drone Improves Stack Silencer Inspection Results
Drones2020 Issue 2Benefits of Online HRSG Drone Inspection
Drum Internals See “Steam Drum”
Drum Level Control2000 FallDrum Retention Time (New Boiler Specs, Part III)
Drum Level Control2000 FallLevel Control and Carryover
Drum Level Control2001 WinterLevel Control II
Drum Level Control2002 WinterIP Drum Swell At HRSG Start-Up
Drum Level Control2004 WinterIP Drum Level Control
Drum Level Control2012 Issue 1Drum Level Measurement & Inspection
Duct Casing2020 Issue 1HRSG and Simple Cycle Duct Casing, Insulation and Liner Inspection and Repair
Duct Liner2019 Issue 1Diffuser Duct Liner Failures & Upgrade Study
Economizers2000 SpringDew Point and Conventional Wisdom
Economizers2002 WinterEconomizer Quenching
Economizers2007 SpringAre Economizer Tube Failures Driving You Crazy?
Economizers2008 SummerThe HRST ShockMaster Economizer
Economizers2009 WinterHRST ShockMaster Economizer Received Patent
Economizers2012 Issue 2HRSG LP Economizer Upgrade for Performance and Cleanability
Economizers2012 Issue 2LP Econ Recirc and Performance
Economizers2014 Issue 1Water Hammer
Economizers2015 Issue 2Return Bend Economizers and Long-Term Support
Economizers2018 Issue 1Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI)
Economizers2020 Issue 1Economizer Retrofit & Full Load Duct Firing could Boost Relaibility & Performance
Efficiency2000 FallOver Performing Superheater = Underperforming HRSG & Loss of $$$
Efficiency2000 FallPerformance Bump (or He Who Hesitates Loses Big Time)
Efficiency2001 WinterBoiler Efficiency
Efficiency2004 SummerBoiler Performance
Efficiency2015 Issue 2Errors in Fuel Flow Measurement Cause Errors in Profitability Projections
Efficiency2017 Issue 1What is the Efficiency of my HRSG?
Efficiency2020 Issue 1Hidden Dangers of Inadequate Gas Baffles in the HP Evaporator
Efficiency2020 Issue 1Economizer Retrofit & Full Load Duct Firing could Boost Relaibility & Performance
Emergency Repairs2010 SpringEmergency Repairs – Stories from the Field
Enhanced Oil Recovery2001 WinterNews, Announcements
Ethanol2017 Issue 2Ethanol and Process Boilers
Evaporators2010 FallHorizontal Tube Evaporators: The vicious cycle of waterside deposits and circulation
Evaporators2013 Issue 1HP Evaporator Cycling Stress – Yes it Happens!
Evaporators2014 Issue 1Borescope Inspection of Entire Tube Length
Evaporators2016 Issue 2Increase in Dirty Tubes and Dire Consequences: Check HP Evaporator Internal Surfaces
Evaporators2020 Issue 1The Importance of Evaporator Tube Sampling
Expansion Joint2016 Issue 2CT to HRSG Duct and Expansion Joint Redesign Challenge
Expansion Joint2019 Issue 1HRSG Hot End Expansion Joint Inspection & Maintenance
Fabric Seals2020 Issue 1High-Temperature Fabric Seals
FAC2001 SummerAll NDT is Not Equal
FAC2002 WinterFAC – It Is Still With Us
FAC2004 SummerFlow Accelerated Corrosion – What should you tell your boss?
FAC2006 FallDon’t Let FAC Pull Your Plant’s Down
FAC2006 FallMeasuring FAC in Elbows
FAC2012 Issue 1Use Borescope and UT Testing to Find FAC Damage
FAC2013 Issue 1FAC Pressure Part Repair – Technical Advisor Success
FAC2014 Issue 1Borescope Inspection of Entire Tube Length
FAC2022 Issue 2FAC UT Monitoring: A Case Study
Field Service2010 SpringBoiler Field Service Weapons
Field Service2016 Issue 2Technical Advisors for Pressure Part Fabrication QA/QC
Finite Element Analysis2015 Issue 2Exhaust Flow Distribution Device Design Using CFD/FEA
Flow Distribution Plates2006 SpringFlow Distribution Plate Problems
Flow Distribution Plates2015 Issue 2Exhaust Flow Distribution Device Design Using CFD/FEA
Flow Distribution2022 Issue 2Flow Distribution Grid Upgrades Improve Performance and Reliability
Foundation Attachment2006 SpringHRSG Foundation Attachment
Freeze Risk2007 WinterConsidering an HRSG Pressure Test?
Freeze Risk2016 Issue 1HRSG Freeze Protection
Fresh-Air Firing1999 WinterPublications by HRST Personnel
Gas Baffles2010 SpringHRSG Gas Baffles Between Tube Harps – Beware of Expansion and Vibration
Gas Baffles2012 Issue 1Upgrade Gas Baffles to Improve Performance & Reliability
Gas Baffles2012 Issue 2HRSG Gas Baffle Inspection – Careful Inspection Yields Fast Payback
Gas Baffles2013 Issue 1The Importance of Gas Baffles
Gas Bypass2006 SpringJustify Gas Baffling Improvements with Performance Modeling
Gas Bypass2020 Issue 1Hidden Dangers of Inadequate Gas Baffles in the HP Evaporator
Gas Preheaters2012 Issue 2Fuel Gas Pre-Heaters Slowing Down your Start-Up?
Gaskets2006 FallManway Sealing Part 2 – Re-torquing
Gaskets2006 SpringManway Sealing Part 1 – Spiral Wound Gaskets
Hangers2019 Issue 2Unloaded Hangers Deserve Investigation – 3 Case Studies
Heat Transfer2006 FallFabric Pipe Penetration Seals – Beware of Heat Transfer Damage!
Humor2002 SummerTop Ten Things You’ll Never Hear from your Consultant
Humor2008 SummerHumor Me
Humor2009 SummerHumor
Hydro Test2007 WinterConsidering an HRSG Pressure Test?
Infrared Thermal Imaging2003 SummerHRSG Infrared Thermal Imaging
Infrared Thermal Imaging2003 SummerPumpable Insulation
Infrared Thermal Imaging2018 Issue 1Online HRSG Inspections: Use online results to enhance offline outage planning
Inspection2012 Issue 2HRSG Gas Baffle Inspection – Careful Inspection Yields Fast Payback
Inspection2000 SpringOwners, Is Your New Boiler Ready for Start-Up?
Inspection2003 SummerHRSG Infrared Thermal Imaging
Inspection2001 SummerNews, Announcements — Recent HRST Jobs
Inspection2006 FallMeasuring FAC in Elbows
Inspection2007 SpringHow to Get the Most Out of Your HRSG Inspection
Inspection2010 FallBoiler Investigators
Inspection2010 SpringBoiler Field Service Weapons
Inspection2000 FallThe HRST View on Inspection Services
Inspection2014 Issue 1Borescope Inspection of Entire Tube Length
Inspection2015 Issue 2Tube Swelling, Stress, and Failure
Inspection2018 Issue 1Logistical Planning for ACC Internal Inspection
Inspection2018 Issue 1Online HRSG Inspections: Use online results to enhance offline outage planning
Inspection2018 Issue 2Importance of Firing Duct Flame Monitoring
Inspection2018 Issue 2Steam Drum Weld Cracks – Repair Now OR Later?
Inspection2019 Issue 2Drone Improves Stack Silencer Inspection Results
Inspection2020 Issue 2Benefits of Online HRSG Inspection
Inspection2021 Issue 1Simple Cycle Inspections
Inspection2021 Issue 1Remote Inspection and Service Support
Inspection2021 Issue 2Prioritization of HRSG Advanced Inspection Tasks Based on Findings and Analysis
Inspection2021 Issue 2Inspector Focus Tip: Drainpipe Corrosion Under Insulation
Inspection2021 Issue 2Covered Piping Systems Inspection Reveals Hidden Problems
Instrumentation2001 SummerCalibrated TC = Good Temperature Measurement?
Instrumentation2001 WinterNews, Announcements
Instrumentation2002 WinterIP Drum Swell At HRSG Start-Up
Insulation2003 SummerPumpable Insulation
Lay-up2004 WinterOffline Corrosion
Lay-up2014 Issue 1HRSG Gas Side Corrosion- beware the combination of sulfur and humidity!
Liner Repair2009 SummerThe Liner Is Okay But The Studs Are A Mess?
Liner Repair2005 SpringLiner Design – The Devil is in the Detail
Liner Repair2001 WinterNews, Announcements
Liner Repair2004 WinterNoise and Vibration
Liner Repair2012 Issue 2Gas Turbine Diffuser Liner Stud Failures
Liner Repair2015 Issue 1Turbine Exhaust Diffuser Duct Liner Upgrade Success in Texas
Liner Repair2017 Issue 17FA Diffuser Duct Liner Retrofit
Liner Repair2021 Issue 2HRSG Turnkey Retrofit Success- Two Inlet Duct Floor and Roof Liners
Low Loads2005 SpringHRSG Low Load Operation: Recognize Your Limitations Before Damage is Done
Manway Sealing2006 FallManway Sealing Part 2 – Re-torquing
Manway Sealing2006 SpringManway Sealing Part 1 – Spiral Wound Gaskets
Manway Sealing2007 WinterManway Sealing Part 3 – Gasket Placement and Door Closing
Manway Sealing2018 Issue 2Steam Drum Door Upgrades for Sealing Reliability
Measurements2015 Issue 2Errors in Fuel Flow Measurement Cause Errors in Profitability Projections
Noise2004 WinterNoise and Vibration
Outage Planning2007 WinterConsidering an HRSG Pressure Test?
Outage Planning2009 SummerPlanning for the Unexpected
Outage Planning2015 Issue 2Steam Turbine Life Cycle Management Program (Part 1)
Outage Planning2018 Issue 1Logistical Planning for ACC Internal Inspection
Outage Planning2018 Issue 1Online HRSG Inspections:Use online results to enhance offline outage planning
P912005 FallP91 Conference Takeaways
P912009 SummerRisks When Repairing Grade 91 Pressure Parts
P912011 Issue 1Beware of Stainless Flow Elements in P91 Piping
P912017 Issue 2Grade 91 Materials and Repair Strategies
P912009 Issue 2Check your 9% Chrome valves for warming lines with 316
P912018 Issue 1Creep and the Affect on Superheaters and Reheaters
Penetration Seals2006 SpringHRSG Improvement Products
Penetration Seals2002 SummerAccess Doors – Penetration Seals
Penetration Seals2002 WinterPenetration Seals, The Next Generation
Penetration Seals2005 SpringBoiler Inspection Tip – Check Floor Casing Pipe Penetrations for Pipe Corrosion
Penetration Seals2005 SpringHRST Tackles and Solves HRSG Sidewall Pipe Penetration Seal Problem
Penetration Seals2006 FallFabric Pipe Penetration Seals – Beware of Heat Transfer Damage!
Penetration Seals2006 SpringHRSG Improvement Products
Penetration Seals2010 FallKeep the Junk out of your HRSG Penetration Seals
Penetration Seals2011 Issue 1Understand Your Fabric Pipe Penetration Seals Better
Penetration Seals2006 SpringHRSG Improvement Products
Penetration Seals2005 SpringHRST Tackles and Solves HRSG Sidewall Pipe Penetration Seal Problem
Penetration Seals2006 SpringHRSG Improvement Products
Penetration Seals2017 Issue 2Liner Flashings are Essential
Perforated Plates2006 SpringFlow Distribution Plate Problems
Penetration Seals2019 Issue 1Series 5 Mechanical Seal
Penetration Seals2020 Issue 1High-Temperature Fabric Seals
Performance2001 WinterBoiler Efficiency
Performance2002 WinterGas Bypass vs. Tube Blockage
Performance2003 SummerTurbine Exhaust Condensation: Corrosion Vs. Performance
Performance2004 WinterOffline Corrosion
Performance2007 SpringMeasurements Matter!
Performance2000 FallIndecision Because of Too Many Variables
Performance2001 SummerHRSG Performance Data
Performance2002 SummerHRSG Performance Analysis, Testing & Modeling
Performance2003 SummerGut The Superheater? (Measure Twice, Cut Once)
Performance2006 SpringJustify Gas Baffling Improvements with Performance Modeling
Performance2009 WinterPerformance Modeling Solves Over-Performing Superheater
Performance2015 Issue 2Exhaust Flow Distribution Device Design Using CFD/FEA
Performance2015 Issue 2Errors in Fuel Flow Measurement Cause Errors in Profitability Projections
Performance2017 Issue 1What is the Efficiency of my HRSG?
Performance2018 Issue 2Importance of Firing Duct Flame Monitoring
Performance2020 Issue 1Combined Analytical Power Pinpoints Problems and Provides Peace of Mind
pH Excursion2005 FallWater Chemistry pH Excursion – If it happens, what action will you take?
pH Excursion2012 Issue 1Unexplained Water pH Excursions at Startup?
Pressure Test2007 WinterConsidering an HRSG Pressure Test?
Process Boilers2017 Issue 2Ethanol and Process Boilers
Process Boilers2019 Issue 2Process Debottlenecking Puts Focus on Waste Heat Boiler Performance
Purge Time2003 SummerPurge Timer Got You Watchin’ The Clock?
Quenchmaster2011 Issue 1HRST Quenchmaster Solves Overspray of Desuperheaters
Reheaters2004 WinterDesuperheating to Disaster?
Reheaters2009 Issue 2Check your 9% Chrome valves for warming lines with 316
Reheaters2012 Issue 1Bowed Superheater or Reheater Headers?
Reheaters2014 Issue 1Superheater or Reheater Failures got you feeling drained?
Reheaters2014 Issue 1Attemperator Liner Inspection: be diligent!
Reheaters2014 Issue 1Water Hammer
Reheaters2015 Issue 2Tube Swelling, Stress, and Failure
Reheaters2015 Issue 2Smart Attemperator Control Alarms
Reheaters2016 Issue 1HRSG Fitness for Service and Remaining Life
Reheaters2017 Issue 2Grade 91 Materials and Repair Strategies
Reheaters2016 Issue 2Superheat and Reheat Condensate Detection and Drainage Control
Reheaters2018 Issue 1Creep and the Affect on Superheaters and Reheaters
Reheaters2021 Issue 1HRSG Retrofit Project Success! Rapid Reheater Pressure Part Replacement
Reheaters2022 Issue 2HRSG Inspection and Root Cause Analysis Reveals Cause of Reheater Bowing
Remaining Life2016 Issue 1HRSG Fitness for Service and Remaining Life
Remaining Life2018 Issue 1Creep and the Affect on Superheaters and Reheaters
Remaining Life2018 Issue 2Steam Drum Weld Cracks – Repair Now OR Later?
Retrofit2012 Issue 1Drum Internals Retrofit Success
Retrofit2012 Issue 1Retrofit & Upgrade Project Success from Late 2011
Retrofit2013 Issue 1Two HRSGs Re-Rated and Retrofit for 12% Higher Capacity
Retrofit2021 Issue 1HRSG Retrofit Project Success! Rapid Reheater Pressure Part Replacement
Retrofit2021 Issue 2HRSG Turnkey Retrofit Success- Two Inlet Duct Floor and Roof Liners
Rico2009 SummerSightings Of “Rico The Boiler Rat”
Safety2013 Issue 1HP Steam Drum Doors – Improve Safety
Safety2014 Issue 2HP HRSG Outage Safety Hazards – How safe are you?
SCR Systems2001 SummerMisbehavin’ Ammonia Skid
SCR Systems2005 FallSo You Wanna Put in an SCR System?
SCR Systems2010 SpringSCR Upgrade Specification to Allow Dual Fuel NOx Reduction
SCR Systems2013 Issue 1SCRs: Monitor Their Cleanliness
Specifications2011 Issue 1Little Thing Sometimes Matter the Most!
Specifications1999 WinterReader’s Views: What Should Be Included In Boiler Specs?
Specifications2000 FallDrum Retention Time (New Boiler Specs, Part III)
Specifications2000 SpringSuperheater TMT (New Boiler Specs, Part II)
Specifications2001 SummerSpecifications for Access
Specifications2005 FallHRSG Specifications
Specifications2009 WinterHRSG Engineering for Repower
Stack2006 SpringHRSG Improvement Products
Stack2010 FallBoiler Retrofit Project Success – A Retrofit for the Birds!
Stack2010 FallStack Silencers – Inspect to avoid “Death Frisbees”
Stack2017 Issue 2Stack Internal Corrosion
Stack2019 Issue 2Drone Improves Stack Silencer Inspection Results
Stack2020 Issue 1HRSG and Simple Cycle Duct Casing, Insulation and Liner Inspection and Repair
Startup2014 Issue 1HRSG Rapid Cooling for Maintenance
Startup2002 WinterAnticipation – Controlling Interaction of Components
Startup2002 WinterEconomizer Quenching
Startup2002 WinterIP Drum Swell At HRSG Start-Up
Startup2002 WinterWhen is New Boiler / HRSG Plant Design Engineering Complete
Startup2003 SummerPurge Timer Got You Watchin’ The Clock?
Startup2004 WinterDesuperheating to Disaster?
Startup2012 Issue 1Unexplained Water pH Excursions at Startup?
Startup2015 Issue 2Return Bend Economizers and Long-Term Support
Steam Drum2008 SummerCracks In HP Downcomer Nozzle Welds Becoming More Commonplace
Steam Drum2006 FallManway Sealing Part 2 – Re-torquing
Steam Drum2006 SpringManway Sealing Part 1 – Spiral Wound Gaskets
Steam Drum2007 WinterManway Sealing Part 3 – Gasket Placement and Door Closing
Steam Drum2009 SummerCracks in HP Steam Drum Downcomer Welds – More Experience
Steam Drum2010 FallSteam Drum Fun
Steam Drum2013 Issue 1HP Steam Drum Doors Improve Safety!
Steam Drum2007 WinterTrouble Behind the Brillo Pad?
Steam Drum2012 Issue 1Drum Internals Retrofit Success
Steam Drum2014 Issue 1HRSG Rapid Cooling for Maintenance
Steam Drum2016 Issue 2Drains for Final Chevron Steam Separators in Steam Drums
Steam Drum2018 Issue 2Steam Drum Door Upgrades for Sealing Reliability
Steam Drum2018 Issue 2Steam Drum Weld Cracks – Repair Now OR Later?
Steam Drum2022 Issue 2Steam Drum Separator Fouling: Why Is It A Concern?
Steam Drum2020 Issue 2HP Steam Drum Critical Crack Size Assessmenty
Stress Cracks2019 Issue 2Attemperator Bypass Piping – Slope Down to a Drain for a Trend Up in Reliability
Steam Spargers2005 FallSteam Spargers
Steam Spargers2006 SpringHRSG Improvement Products
Steam Turbines2015 Issue 2Steam Turbine Life Cycle Management Program (Part 1)
Steam Turbines2016 Issue 1Steam Turbine Inspection by HRST: LP Blade Erosion)
Superheaters2002 SummerSuperheater Failures in Fired Boilers
Superheaters2007 WinterConsidering an HRSG Pressure Test?
Superheaters2000 FallOver Performing Superheater = Underperforming HRSG
Superheaters2002 SummerSuperheater Failures in Fired Boilers
Superheaters2002 WinterSuperheaters Leading A Double Life
Superheaters2003 SummerGut The Superheater? (Measure Twice, Cut Once)
Superheaters2004 WinterDesuperheating to Disaster?
Superheaters2006 SpringAvoid Risky Behavior that can Damage HRSG Superheaters
Superheaters2009 WinterPerformance Modeling Solves Over-Performing Superheater
Superheaters2009 Issue 2Check your 9% Chrome valves for warming lines with 316
Superheaters2012 Issue 1Bowed Superheater or Reheater Headers?
Superheaters2014 Issue 1HRSG Rapid Cooling for Maintenance
Superheaters2014 Issue 1Superheater or Reheater Failures got you feeling drained?
Superheaters2014 Issue 1Attemperator Liner Inspection: be diligent!
Superheaters2015 Issue 2Tube Swelling, Stress and Failure
Superheaters2015 Issue 2Smart Attemperator Control Alarms
Superheaters2016 Issue 1HRSG Fitness for Service and Remaining Life
Superheaters2016 Issue 2Superheat and Reheat Condensate Detection and Drainage Control
Superheaters2017 Issue 2Grade 91 Materials and Repair Strategies
Superheaters2018 Issue 1Creep and the Affect on Superheaters and Reheaters
Superheaters2019 Issue 1HP Superheater & Reheater Tube Tie Maintenance
Supplementary Firing2000 SpringEconomic Advantage of Supplementary Firing
Supplementary Firing2001 WinterNews, Announcements
Supplementary Firing2002 WinterAdd A Duct Burner?
Supplementary Firing2017 Issue 1Importance of Duct Burner Inspection, Repair, and Reinforcement
Supplementary Firing2020 Issue 1Economizer Retrofit & Full Load Duct Firing could Boost Relaibility & Performance
Testing2002 SummerHRSG Performance Analysis, Testing & Modeling
Testing2007 SpringMeasurements Matter!
Testing2015 Issue 2Errors in Fuel Flow Measurement Cause Errors in Profitability Projections
Training2002 SummerTraining – Lack of Proper Training
Training2004 WinterHRSG Fundamentals Training
Training2006 SpringUpcoming Training Courses
Training2007 WinterUpcoming Training Courses
Training2008 SummerHRSG Site Specific Training
Training2010 SpringHRSG On-Site Training: Classroom then Walk-Downs Work Best!
Training2018 Issue 2HRSG On-Site Training: Sharing Best Practices World Wide
Training2021 Issue 2Pivot to More Remote and Technical Support
Tube Cleaning2007 WinterFinned Tube Cleaning
Tube Leaks2002 SummerSuperheater Failures in Fired Boilers
Tube Leaks2004 WinterDesuperheating to Disaster?
Tube Leaks2007 WinterConsidering an HRSG Pressure Test?
Tube Leaks2007 SpringAre Economizer Tube Failures Driving You Crazy?
Tube Leaks2011 Issue 1Tube Failure Analysis – The Importance of Understanding What’s Beyond the Tube!
Tube Leaks2013 Issue 1Tube Leak Repair – Preplan to reduce the “Where is it?” stress
Tube Leaks2006 FallTube Plugging – A Tube Leak Repair Option
Tube Leaks2014 Issue 1Tube Leak Pain Relief In A Box
Tube Leaks2015 Issue 2Tube Swelling, Stress, and Failure
Tube Leaks2015 Issue 2Return Bend Economizers and Long-Term Support
Tube Metal Temperatures2000 SpringSuperheater TMT (New Boiler Specs, Part II)
Tube Sampling2020 Issue 1The Importance of Evaporator Tube Sampling
Tube Ties2009 WinterSuperheater & Reheater Tube Ties – Are they doing their job?
Tube Ties2019 Issue 1HP Superheater & Reheater Tube Tie Maintenance
Tube Wear2007 SpringMechanical Tube Wear
Turbine Exhaust2007 SpringTurbine Exhaust Back Pressure
Turbine Exhaust2009 SummerHRSG Deep Cleaning Lowers Turbine Backpressure
Turbine Exhaust2015 Issue 1Turbine Exhaust Diffuser Duct Liner Upgrade Success in Texas
Turbine Exhaust2015 Issue 2Exhaust Flow Distribution Device Design Using CFD/FEA
Turbine Exhaust2017 Issue 17FA Diffuser Duct Liner Retrofit
UT Testing2006 FallMeasuring FAC in Elbows
UT Testing2012 Issue 1Use Borescope and UT Testing to Find FAC Damage
Valves2009 Issue 2Check your 9% Chrome valves for warming lines with 316
Vibration2002 SummerRecent HRST Jobs
Vibration2004 WinterNoise and Vibration
Waste Heat Boiler2009 WinterBeyond 25 Years with a Waste Heat Boiler
Waste Heat Boiler2017 Issue 2Ethanol and Process Boilers
Waste Heat Boiler2019 Issue 2Process Debottlenecking Puts Focus on Waste Heat Boiler Performance
Water Chemistry2000 FallWater Chemistry and Corrosion Audit
Water Chemistry2005 FallWater Chemistry pH Excursion – If it happens, what action will you take?
Water Hammer1999 WinterGot Water Hammer!
Welds2007 WinterTrouble Behind the Brillo Pad?
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