Once Through Steam Generator

Once Through Steam Generator (OTSG) Services

HRST can design and supply retrofit pressure parts, complete convective section assemblies, and provide aftermarket product solutions to increase the reliability of your Once Through Steam Generators (OTSGs).

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Retrofit Services

  • Complete retrofit assemblies: In-kind or modified
  • Modular design for ease of field installation
  • Improved access doors for egress to convective bundle
  • Upgraded tube sheet and tube supports

Performance and Capacity Assessment

  • Evaluate burner firing rate and fan capacity to maximize steam generation rate
  • Boiler feedwater pump and control valves
  • Code calculations for pressure parts
  • Maximum operating temp for non-pressure parts

After Market Solutions

  • Burner firing camera
  • Burner firing viewports
  • Quick open access doors (convection section)
  • Improved access for tube pigging
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