Published Articles

Published Articles

The list below summarizes technical articles authored by HRST, or articles that feature information on our expertise. Click on the link to read the article from the source magazine.

Lessons Learned from an HRSG Over-Pressure Event
This article summarizes lessons learned from one of our inspections. Combined Cycle Journal, April 2021

CCUG 2020: Focus on Covid Best Practices, Safety, HRSGs, Emission Control
Anand Gopta Kumar (Analyst) delivered a presentation on critical crack size pre-outage assessment techniques at the 2020 CCUG. This article summarizes his presentation. Combined Cycle Journal, March 2021

How Duct Burners Can Affect Downstream Tube Metal Temperatures
By Brian Craig for Combined Cycle Journal, March 2021

Drones, Scarcity, Efficiency: Repair & Maintenance in 2021
Rory Paquariello talks to Sam Shaw (Systems Engineer) about embracing new technologies. Turbomachinery International, March/April 2021

Inspection, Maintenance Priorities for Ageing HRSGs
Ned Congdon (PE) spoke with David Benjamin, a contributing editor, and this article was crafted from their conversation. Combined Cycle Journal, July 2020

Fast Start And Peak Capacity Considerations For Combined Cycle Power Plants
By Jordan Bartol. Turbomachinery International, February 2020

Eliminating The Risk Of Hot-Torqueing Steam Drum Doors
2019 Best of CCJ Awards. Combined Cycle Journal, September 2019

Performance Matters
Insights for making better data-driven decisions on long-term decisions about boiler operation or replacement. By Evan Almberg. Ethanol Producer Magazine, August 2019

7F BEST PRACTICES: Faribault – Air attemperation system assures superheated steam on startup
Combined Cycle Journal

HRSG Health: Efficiency and Performance
The article discusses whether to repair or replace plants nearing 10-15 years of operation. By Evan Almberg. Ethanol Producer Magazine, January 2019

SH/RH Metal Temperatures

Article summarizes presentation by Bryan Craig at the March 2018 HRSG Forum. Combined Cycle Journal – CCJ ONsite, Issue 58, 1Q/2018

Attention to Detail Early in the HRSG Lifecycle Sets the Tone for Long-Term Reliable Service
Article explains five-year health plan. By John Obermaier. Combined Cycle Journal – CCJ ONsite, November 2018

Implementing an ASME Covered Piping Systems Program
Article discusses the implementation of ASME Covered Piping Systems Program. By Madeline Fink. POWER, November 2018

Drone Inspections. HRSG Maintenance from a Bird’s Eye View
Article discusses the increase in drone usage when inspecting critical power generation equipment. Power Engineering, March 2018

CCUG 2017: HRSG best practices: Plan now for old age
Article summarizes HRST presentations by Bryan Craig, Lester Stanley, and Natalie Teuchert at CCUG. Combined Cycle Journal – CCJ ONsite, Issue 54, 3Q/2017 released January 2018

Steam Drums Demand Regular Inspection, Continual Attention
Article discusses HRSG best practices and planning for old age. Combined Cycle Journal – CCJ ONsite, November 8, 2017

Tube Failures
Article discusses different types of tube failures. By Jack Odlum. Energy-Tech Magazine, September 2017

Thorough HRSG Analysis Prudent in Maximizing Value of GT Upgrades
Article discusses the importance of HRSG analysis post GT upgrade. By Sam Shaw. Energy-Tech Magazine, August 2017

Western Turbine’s Special Technical Presentations
Article summarizes presentation by Ned Congdon at the March 2017 WTUI meeting. Combined Cycle Journal – CCJ ONsite, July 2017

Combustion Turbine Exhaust Ducts

Article discusses the importance of understanding exhaust duct problem areas to achieve optimal performance. By Scott Olson and Kevin Morales. Turbomachinery International, July/August 2017

Beware Hidden Superheater, Reheater Overheating
Article discusses overheat damage in HRSG superheaters and reheaters. By Natalie Teuchert. Combined Cycle Journal – CCJ ONsite, April 2017

Proper Steam Temperature Control Reduces Operational Risks
Article focuses on how steam temperature best practices using existing plant control systems can reduce the risk of increased fatigue and premature failures of HRSG components. By Jacob Bartol. Combined Cycle Journal – CCJ ONsite, December 2016

CCUG 2016: Low-Load Impacts, Solutions for HRSGs, SCRs
Article summarizes HRST presentations by Lester Stanley and Bryan Craig at CCUG. Combined Cycle Journal – CCJ ONsite, August 2016

Maintenance Matters: Flow Distribution Device Design Using Computational Tools
HRST used CFD and FEA to optimize the design of a perforated plate designed to replace the flow straightening provided by a removed superheater panel. By Anand Gopa Kumar. Energy-Tech MagazineJune 2016

Gas-Side Tube Fouling: Performance Thief
Article discusses gas-side fouling as a performance thief in HRSGs. By Patrick Walker. Combined Cycle Journal4Q2016

Aeroderivative Turbine Operations & Maintenance
Article summarizes HRSG Superheaters presentation by Ned Congdon at the March WTU Conference. Turbomachinery InternationalMay/June 2016

How Poor Gas Baffling Affects HRSG Performance
Article discusses the importance of proper gas side baffling in HRSG tube bundles and their impact on steam generation efficiency. By Anand Gopa Kumar. Combined Cycle Journal4Q2016

Combined Cycle Maintenance Planning
Discusses coordinated HRSG and GT/ST maintenance planning. By Souren Chakirov and others. Turbomachinery International, February 2016

Proactive tube sampling program contributes to long-term HRSG reliability
Article summarizes presentations by Craig Dube and Jonathan Aurand at the May 2015 7F Users Meeting. Combined Cycle Journal – CCJ ONsite, September 2015

Improve HRSG performance and boost the bottom line
Article summarizes the importance of cleaning to increase HRSG performance by Patrick Walker. Energy Tech – E-newsletter, August 2015

Leaking valve cause of tube-to-headers failures
Article summarizes Dan Acosta and Sam Shaw’s approach to tube-to-header failures and the importance of analyzing data. Combined Cycle Journal – CCJ ONsite, February 2015 and CCJ, 4Q2014

Best Practices for repair, replacement of cracked, corroded HRSG pressure parts
Article summarizes HRST presentation by Rob Tretter at the HRSG Spot Light Session before the 2014 annual 7F Users Meeting. Combined Cycle Journal – CCJ ONsite, August 2014

The Big Picture in Gas Turbine Upgrades
Article discusses the impact of GT Upgrades on the HRSG. By Johnathan Aurand. Turbomachinery International, November/December 2014

How to reduce the start-up time of a legacy combined cycle
Article summarizes HRST presentation by Ned Congdon at the March 2014 Western Turbine User Conference on several important HRSG fast start considerations. Combined Cycle Journal – CCJ ONsite, August 2014

Diagnosing a Combined Cycle Turbine Trip
Article on using operational data to better understand and resolve difficult boiler issues. By Victor Ferris. Turbomachinery International, July/August 2014

Checklist of lessons learned helps in preparing specifications to maximize HRSG reliability
Article summarizes HRST presentation by Lester Stanley at the HRSG Spot Light Session before the annual 7F Users Meeting. Combined Cycle Journal – CCJ ONsite, June 2014

Smart starts mitigate HRSG damage, preserve reliability
Article summarizes HRST presentation by Lester Stanley before the annual 7F Users Meeting. Combined Cycle Journal – CCJ ONsite, June 2014

Chemistry and Mechanical Field Assessment Actions for Effective Flow-Accelerated Corrosion Minimisation in HRSGs
Describes techniques to avoid and detect FAC, both before and during outages. Co-authored by Lester Stanley. PowerPlant Chemistry, Volume 15 (2013) No. 3

Special sessions at WTUI focus on HRSGs, emissions reduction, inlet cooling
Article summarizes HRST presentation by Ned Congdon at the Western Turbine User Conference on several best practices for HRSG maintenance. Combined Cycle Journal – CCJ ONSite, June 2013

HRSG Advice – Aeroderivative Users Share Maintenance Tips
Article summarizes HRST presentation by Ned Congdon on several best practices for HRSG maintenance. Turbomachinery International, May/June 2013

How to boost HRSG performance and increase your plant’s bottom line.
Article summarizes HRST presentation by Lester Stanley at the HRSG Spot Light Session before the annual 7F Users Meeting. Combined Cycle Journal – CCJ ONsite, June 2013

HRSGs demand more than just visual inspections
Article summarizes HRST presentation by Bryan Craig at the HRSG Spot Light Session before the annual 7F Users Meeting. Combined Cycle Journal – CCJ ONsite, June 2013

Identify, address potential weaknesses to mitigate cycling impacts on HRSGs
Article emphasizes six areas to evaluate to help avoid HRSG cycling problems. By Jonathan D Aurand. Combined Cycle Journal, 2Q2012

Mitigate fatigue cracking in HRSGs – 7F Users Group, HRSG Spotlight Session
Article summarizes HRST 1/2 day workshop on HRSG problems at the 7F Users Group 2012 annual meeting. Combined Cycle Journal, 2Q2012

HRSG Gas-Side Cleaning – the dollars and sense of cleaning boiler tubes
Article on HRSG gas side cleaning utilizing HRST technology and tools to deep clean within HRSG tube modules. Article contributions by Patrick Walker. Combined Cycle Journal, 3Q2011

Inspect HRSGs for steam-drum nozzle cracks
Article summarizes HRST presentation by Bryan Craig at the HRSG Spot Light Session before the annual 7F Users Meeting. Article by Team CCJ. Combined Cycle Journal – CCJ ONsite, 3Q2011

Air Attemperation Protects HRSGs against damage at low loads
Article on HRST QuenchMaster® air attemperator system designed to avoid overspray of water in desuperheaters, which reduces thermal stress in superheaters and reheaters. Combined Cycle Journal, 1Q2011

HRSG Designs and Their Effect on FAC Risk
Co-authored by Lester Stanley. Presented at Fossil FAC International Conference on June 30, 2010; Washington DC, USA (White paper available upon request.)

In the boiler business, this is front page news
Article on HRST ShockMaster® economizer design to avoid thermal stress. Article contributors include by Robert Krowech, Bryan Craig & Victor Ferris. Combined Cycle Journal, 4Q 2009

Learn the Basics of HRSG Inspection – online and offline
Article on HRST’s HRSG Academy training course, Combined Cycle Journal, 3Q 2008

Layup strategies for maintenance outages and when not dispatched
Combined Cycle Journal, 3Q 2008

Clean heat-transfer surfaces inside and out to keep HRSGs at peak efficiency
co-authored by Bob Krowech, Combined Cycle Journal, 3Q 2008

Incorporate lessons learned into specifications for new units.
by Brent Cosgrove, Combined Cycle Journal, 3Q 2007

HRSG Users Handbook, by Robert C. Swanekamp, Editor. 2006.
HRST engineers authored the following sections of this book: “Standard Maintenance Practices to Avoid Substandard HRSG Life” & “Performance Monitoring of HRSGs.”

HRSG FAC inspection and performance modification
Best Practice Award, Combined Cycle Journal, 1Q 2006

Identify, correct HRSG gas-side corrosion problems.
by Bryan Craig, Combined Cycle Journal, 3Q 2005

Avoid desuperheater problems with quality equipment, proper installation, tight process control.
Combined Cycle Journal, 4Q 2004

7EA Users have HRSG concerns, too. (highlighted article – pgs 4-5)
by Lester Stanley, Combined Cycle Journal, 4Q 2004

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